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Presidential Debate 2020 Biden And Trump Clash Over Key Issues

Presidential Debate 2020: Biden and Trump Clash Over Key Issues

Biden Accuses Trump of Mismanaging Pandemic

Joe Biden accused President Donald Trump of mismanaging the COVID-19 pandemic, saying he had ignored warnings from experts and downplayed the severity of the virus. Biden said Trump's actions had led to the deaths of more than 220,000 Americans.

Trump Defends His Record on Pandemic

Trump defended his record on the pandemic, saying he had taken early and decisive action to save lives. He said he had imposed travel restrictions on China and Europe, and he had mobilized the federal government to develop a vaccine.

Biden Calls for National Unity

Biden called for national unity in the fight against the pandemic. He said we needed to put aside our differences and work together to defeat the virus.

Trump Calls Biden a Socialist

Trump attacked Biden as a socialist, saying he would raise taxes and destroy the economy. He said Biden was weak on crime and would allow criminals to run rampant.

Biden Denies Being a Socialist

Biden denied being a socialist, saying he was a moderate Democrat who believed in the free market. He said he would not raise taxes on the middle class, and he would work to reduce crime.

Trump and Biden Clash Over Climate Change

Trump and Biden also clashed over climate change. Trump said he did not believe in climate change, while Biden said it was a serious threat that we needed to address.

Biden Calls for Action on Climate Change

Biden called for action on climate change, saying we needed to invest in clean energy and reduce our carbon emissions. He said we needed to listen to the scientists and take action before it was too late.

Trump Says Climate Change Is a Hoax

Trump said climate change was a hoax perpetrated by China to make American businesses less competitive. He said he would withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement on climate change.
